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Stock market income

Stock market income
The whole idea behind investing in the stock market is to produce income. Actually, trading the market is really no different than running a retail store. You simply buy something at a wholesale price and then sell it at a retail price. A successful store owner will only buy merchandise they are familiar with and sell it for a reasonable price that a customer will pay. More often than not they will also hire and pay a manager to help them with business related activities thereby enabling them to maintain a well run and profitable business. This same strategy can also be applied to stock market investing.
Short term trading can be very lucrative, but it is also risky. The basic concepts of short term trading must become second nature to you before you will be successful. Market timing is a very important element of stock trading. For example, the stock market normally trades in a cycle which makes it necessary to watch the calendar. Be aware of market trends. If the current market trend is negative, some investors consider shorting and practice very little buying. Conversely, if the trend is positive, buying may be more lucrative than shorting. Shorting should be done very carefully because if not properly managed, a short position can wipe out your account.
What I am trying to convey in this article is to treat stock market trading as a business. Most people who are new to stock trading fail in a short period of time. Treat your stock market trading venture as a business and hire a manager. In stock trading they are called a "Mentor". You won't be sorry and you will succeed in learning; "How to Earn Stock Market Income."
My mentor was a teacher for ten years and during that time he was also active in the stock market. He was so successful that he gave up teaching and started mentoring stock traders. He has one of the largest chat rooms on Wall Street and his members range from "newbie’s" to multimillionaires. 
Prior to 1991 I thought the only way to beat the stock market was to become a stock broker. In case you don't already know, penny stocks are highly promoted when they first hit the market. I did not have to depend on the stock market for income because I was always gainfully employed. As a result, I decided that I would become a full time stock market trader.
It did not take long for me to realize that "investing" in the stock market is much different than "playing" the penny stocks. Along the way I have learned that successful trading involves homework, research, and keeping up with current news. It also requires some important ingredients that can make or break your ultimate goal to become a successful stock market trader. (1) Hire a Mentor - Unless you are a mental giant with an encyclopaedic memory, you need to hire the services of a mentor. A good mentor with a chat room is worth considerably more than the fee you will pay.
(2) Practice - Whether I place a trade during market hours or not, I will make at least 1 paper trade. If you are new to trading, chose an online broker that offers a free "paper-trading" system and use it until you feel comfortable investing real money.
(3) Don't Day-trade! - It is estimated that 93% of day-traders lose money! It takes years of experience and nerves of steel today-trade successfully. It is the fastest and easiest way to lose your money and give up trading forever.
- Failure to practice this critical advice will cost you more money and cause you more problems than you can imagine. Always plan your exit when you make a trade. Trading without a planned exit can cost money and keep you from moving on to a better trade that can make you money. Lack of discipline is dangerous and costly in stock trading.
(5) Take Small Profits! - Seldom, if ever, will you have the opportunity to "break the bank" on a single trade. Learn to set a small and reasonable goal for profit on each trade you enter. When you do this on a regular basis, you are placing yourself in control of your trades and practicing the secret of "How to beat the stock Market." 

Analisa fundamental saham indonesia

Online Trading And System Trading

Online Trading And System Trading
Indeed, online trading has revolutionalised the way common folks like you and me trade 

in the capital markets. 

Online trading has its pros and cons. Online trading’s main pro is convenience and speed, giving a trader maximum control of all aspects of trading. Conversely, online trading’s main killer con is in the tons of human error that can happen due to a lack of guidance. 

Due to a lack of guidance, most online traders find themselves extremely prone to their emotions when trading online. When they feel the urge to get out of a position simply because their emotions are all fired up, they can at the simple click of a mouse. This has led to a lot of failed trades and a lot of lost money…. The only way anyone can succeed in online trading in the long run is through a disciplined trading regime based on a fix trading system or what we called “System Trading”. 

System trading means that you pick stocks based on a fixed criteria, enter on a fix criteria and exit on fixed criteria… all put together nicely like different parts of a car. With system trading and a fixed portfolio management policy can anyone truly attain success in online trading.

System trading aims to take the emotion out of the trader by having objective and specific criteria for every aspect of online trading. With a fixed set of criteria to follow when online trading, the trader have something to fall back on when emotions start to fly, and that is, the proven track record of the system that the online trader is following. The online trader is assured that as long as he follows the rules to the nigh, the odds of winning will always be stacked in his/her favor. Over the long run, with a sound portfolio management policy, anyone can succeed in online trading.

Real Estate Training Guide How To Become A Successful Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Training Guide How To Become A Successful Real Estate Agent
Real estate training is essential for the people who want to become a successful real estate broker. It helps them to learn all about real estate business. Real estate business requires some time, some basic knowledge of the business and skill to perform all transactions. Real estate business will be one of the good carriers for a hard working person. Real estate training suggests them all the ways to achieve their goals.
License is the basic requirement to become a real estate agent. Even it is an essential thing to conduct real estate business. Real estate Internet is the best option to join real estate business. Some states provide online training courses that will help you to complete pre-license requirements. Before joining real estate business people should satisfy some pre-license requirements. They should; be of at least 19 years, be managed a proctored exam, have high school diploma or some equivalent to it, pass a state exam, have completed a least approved course.
Generally real estate training gives some guidelines to understand some real estate basics. They can easily learn about ownership transfer, real estate law and math with the help of real estate training. They are taught how to deal to with real estate transactions during their course. Real estate training enables them to understand the tips and tricks of the real estate contracts. People who want to join some state approved courses should have initial license.
Anyone can be a successful real estate agent after completing real estate training. They can run a successful business only if they have great professional habits, good salesmanship and the enthusiasm to learn more about real estate. Real estate business requires great working skill.
People can learn about real estate business with some related books. They can also join some online courses that provide information via Internet. Nowadays several people are making money in real estate business. Real estate brokers should be kind, knowledgeable, efficient as well as trustworthy. They should know the skill how to attract more customers. They can also take some suggestion from the experienced real estate agents.
Real estate business may be wonderful business but only thing that it requires real estate training.

Cash Management Tips to Help Your Business Grow

Cash Management Tips to Help Your Business Grow
Cash flow is one of the most important elements in any business. Having cash in the bank not only provides you with peace of mind, but ensures you have cash in the bank to grow your business to the next level.
Capital management is essential for any business owner and there are certain factors you have to take into consideration to ensure your bank balance continues to grow, giving you cash when you need it, whether it's to invest in new equipment or expand your business moving forward.
The first step you have to take is to put together your cash flow forecasts. Cash flow forecasts are an important step to your capital management to help you have some idea on money coming in. Cash flow forecasts include invoices sent and products sold where you are still awaiting payment. It is a good idea to set up a plan for this to ensure that you receive payments on time to reduce the risk of running short in the bank with lots of outstanding payments still due.
This is where many companies fall short. Without having a good collections plan for outstanding funds, you may find your bank balance lowering as you pay all the bills you have to pay, but your customers aren't making payments. Set deadlines for payments coming in, give due dates on your invoices and don't be shy to send reminders. Remember this is money due to you, money you have worked for.
Always keep some cash in the bank for emergencies. There are always times when something can go wrong, this is usually when you least expect it. A bad month, a computer stops working or an important part of equipment breaks down. Having cash flow enables you to replace or repair the item or pay for the quiet month without too much struggle. Without effective capital management, you could find yourself at the bank asking for a loan to keep your doors open, or worse, you could find yourself closing the doors for good.
Ensure that you always pay your accounts on time. While this may sound obvious, most of your suppliers will charge interest on outstanding amounts so even leaving an account outstanding for a week or two past the due date, could see you paying more, which in turn lowers your profit margins.
As a business owner you need to know what to expect moving forward. Forecasting is an important part of being a business owner and helps you stay one step ahead to ensure success. Always analyze any changes you experience in terms of your capital management. If you find you are struggling to stay on track, don't be shy to get assistance from an expert in the field to help you manage your capital effectively and help your business grow to the next level moving forward.
There are three important elements you need to pay close attention when it comes to capital management. You need to know how much raw materials you have in stock. Stock is cash and once sold it is cash in the bank. Knowing your stock levels and the worth of the stock is a very important aspect to help you forecast any cash flow.
Have a good handle on your expenses. Set up monthly budgets and forecasts to help you manage this effectively. Your final step is to have a grasp on the income you have coming in.
While you may have some customers who are excellent payers, you will have those that tend to delay payment until the last minute. All of this should be taken into consideration when developing your capital management plan, helping you control your business at all times.
Chingle is an Ohio based investment specialist company providing customers with a host of financial planning services from investment management to cash flow analysis and budget forecasting.To find out more about this investment specialist firm and how they can help you push your finances to the next level, visit their website at

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Types of Mutual Funds and How to Invest in Them

Types of Mutual Funds and How to Invest in Them
If you wish to invest in the markets but do not have sufficient knowledge or resources, a mutual fund is the way to go. Mutual funds offer you an easier way to invest in the market without any need to directly monitor or manage the investments on a regular basis. Basically, it is nothing but a pool of funds contributed by a number of investors with an Asset Management Company (AMC) which assigns a fund manager to invest it in stocks, bonds or money market instruments for commensurate returns.
The beauty of this investment option lies in the fact that you can start by investing as little as INR 1000 and have a professional fund manager allocate the accumulated pool of funds in suitable stocks or securities to create a diversified portfolio of investments. So, you get to have a slice of the profits from some well-performing stock by investing a relatively small sum of money. Additionally, mutual funds offer periodic dividends based on performance of the funds.
Before investing, you need to know all about different types of funds which offer you the option of investing in a variety of financial instruments and get proportionate returns based on the size of your funds. These are explained below:
1. Equity Mutual Funds:
If you wish to invest solely in company shares, equity-based fund is the perfect choice for you. It offers the option to invest in a selection of stocks to create a balanced portfolio with lesser risk as compared to directly investing in equities because this fund would be managed by professionals. However, since equity-based funds have a higher risk-reward potential, you should think carefully before opting for it.
2. Debt Mutual Funds:
In this option, funds are allocated solely in debt instruments including bonds and commercial paper among other things. It has a low-risk profile and offer regular returns. This is the right choice for investors whose first priority is to protect their investments. However, the returns are not as attractive as in equity-based funds.
3. Money Market Mutual Funds:
These are also known as liquid funds which seek to invest in short-term debt instruments like certificates of deposit, fixed deposits and treasury bills. This option is best for those who prefer higher liquidity and protection of capital over higher returns involving a higher level of risk.
4. Gold Funds:
Gold has been an investment option for millennia and its value has only grown in modern times because of its viability as an investment during periods of financial inflation or when markets are not performing well in general. Traditionally, people have directly invested in gold for all its advantages but with gold funds you can choose to invest in gold through Gold ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds). This lets you avoid the risk of theft or damage associated with investing in physical gold. Gold funds might also invest in shares of companies involved in gold mining.
You can choose the type of fund which suits your requirements or opt for a balanced fund instead in which funds are allocated in both equity and debt instruments to reduce the risk level to an extent and still gain from high-performance equities. It is important to read the offer document carefully before investing in mutual funds and choose your Asset Management Company (AMC) with discretion to avoid any issues later.
Ashlar Online offers a wide selection of financial advisory services for retail and institutional investors. Whether you are trading in equities, commodities, currency or F&O, we are here to assist you with your investments and offer expert advice on how to invest for growth and realize your wealth generation goals. We offer free demat account, free trading account and free e-insurance account opening and provide free trading platform which performs efficiently across several platforms including desktop, laptop, mobile phone and tablets. Our motto is to motivate, educate, support and promote investors to achieve their financial goals in an effective manner. Visit our website to know more.

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Some TIPS for Mutual Fund Investing

Some TIPS for Mutual Fund Investing
What are the best ways to find the best mutual funds? What are the criteria for the best funds that I should look for? What categories of funds or fund families are the best? These are the most important questions when one goes out to try and find the best growth or bond fund. Some of the best sites for mutual fund research are: Morningstar (easily the most famous), others are magazine type web sites such as money magazine, motley fool, etc. As far as what actually makes a great fund?
Expense ratio (which is the ratio of what they charge to run the fund as opposed to the total amount invested), a long history of success, and most importantly (in my opinion) how well the fund has done in bad times! For instance, in the incredibly disastrous year of 2008, if a fund did not lose more than 10% or stayed equal (regardless of whether that fund was a growth fund or a bond fund), then this fund should be considered an "all weather" fund, because the year 2008 is the acid test for mutual funds for all time, or what they are now calling it, a "Generational Low" in the stock market.
Some analysts and financial experts have been saying that mutual fund investing is for the birds, a suckers bet. I totally disagree. I believe that all investors should have a portion of their portfolio in grown and bond mutual funds, and a separate part of their portfolio in a very low priced discount broker with the best commissions. This way if you're wrong on one end of your portfolio, you might be right in the other.
Diversification is the key; it always has been and always will be. In the horrible years of 2000-2002, not being diversified in your portfolio, and too invested in tech funds, would have meant huge losses. Starting in March of 2000 the stock market started to go down and didn't stop going down until October of 2002. At that point, the NASDAQ dropped from 5200 to 1100 and the Dow dropped from 11,700 to 7200! Not being diversified with those kinds of losses could have meant the end of your investing career. And has the year 2008 taught all of us, history DEFINITELY does repeat itself. IN my humble opinion one of the worst mistakes you can make in mutual fund investing is paying either a back end or front end fee. The number one rule of buying a mutual fund is never pay a front end or back end fee.  Also remember to rebalance your portfolio every few months.
Please visit my blog My Blog. Good luck choosing the right fund!
J. Caruso

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Memilih Saham cara Benjamin Graham

Memilih Saham cara Benjamin Graham
Memilih Saham Berfundamental Kuat dengan Melakukan Screening
Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa Benjamin Graham merupakan pelopor dari value investing. Graham memandang saham sebagai sebuah bisnis dan bukan hanya sebagai komoditi perdagangan. Menurut Graham, investasi adalah tindakan yang melalui analisis mendalam, menjanjikan keamanan modal kita dan memberikan imbal hasil yang memuaskan. Tindakan-tindakan yang tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat tersebut bersifat spekulatif. Graham sendiri cenderung berhati-hati dan konservatif dalam memilih saham. Hal ini dapat dimaklumi karena kepanikan pasar tahun 1907 telah menyebabkan kebangkrutan bagi keluarganya akibat tindakan spekulatif di bursa saham.
Graham sendiri tidak luput dari depresi besar tahun 1929 yang menyebabkan dana investasi nasabah yang dikelolanya ikut terseret bersama dengan investor lain. Berangkat dari sinilah Graham mulai meletakkan dasar-dasar filosofi investasinya yang bersifat konservatif dan bertujuan untuk melindungi keamanan modal. Kenyataan membuktikan bahwa Graham hanya membutuhkan waktu lima tahun untuk mengembalikan modal nasabahnya sementara DJIA membutuhkan waktu 25 tahun untuk kembali ke level sebelum depresi besar terjadi. Tentu saja ini membuat nama Graham semakin bersinar dan mendapatkan penghormatan atas integritasnya sebagai fund manager. Salah satu muridnya yang bahkan dapat jauh melebihi track recordnya tak lain adalah Warren Buffett yang merupakan orang terkaya ke-2 di dunia sebagai hasil dari investasi. Oleh karena itu, tentulah akan sangat menarik untuk mencoba menerapkan strategi investasi Ben Graham. Walaupun untuk dapat secara akurat menerapkannya membutuhkan waktu dan usaha yang cukup besar, namun konsep-konsep dasar mengenai cara melakukan screening saham dan valuasi dari Graham bisa kita terapkan karena cukup sederhana.
Tulisan ini akan dipecah menjadi dua bagian. Bagian pertama akan membahas mengenai strategi untuk melakukan screening saham-saham yang layak untuk menjadi sarana investasi kita. Yang dimaksud dengan screening adalah seperti ’menyaring’. Kita akan mencoba menyaring saham-saham yang memenuhi kriteria investasi Graham. Tentu saja, penyaringan tersebut bertujuan mencari saham-saham yang berfundamental kuat sehingga investasi kita tidak akan bersifat spekulatif. Tulisan pada bagian kedua akan membahas bagaimana cara melakukan valuasi saham. Jika pada tulisan sebelumnya telah dipaparkan bagaimana cara menentukan harga wajar saham a la Buffett, maka kali ini kita akan mencoba melakukan valuasi menggunakan metode dari gurunya, yaitu Benjamin Graham. Prinsip-prinsip investasi Ben Graham dituangkan pada kedua bukunya yang sangat legendaris, yaitu Intellegent Investor dan Security Analysis. Konsepscreening Graham sendiri dengan sangat bagus telah dirangkum oleh John P. Reese dan Jack M. Forehand dalam bukunya: ‘The Guru Investor’. Rangkuman tersebut akan dipaparkan pada tulisan bagian pertama ini.
Strategi Graham dalam Memilih Saham
1.   Sektor. Graham secara pribadi tidak berinvestasi pada saham-saham teknologi. Oleh karena itu, kriteria pertama kita adalah sebagai berikut:
Seluruh saham kecuali saham teknologi ≥ Pilih
Saham-saham teknologi < Buang
2.    Revenue. Untuk mengurangi risiko, Graham menginginkan perusahaan yang cukup besar karena kinerjanya cenderung lebih stabil, memiliki aset yang lebih besar, dan jarang memberikan kejutan-kejutan yang tidak mengenakkan. Graham merekomendasikan untuk berinvestasi pada perusahaan dengan revenue tahunan minimal $50 juta atau untuk kondisi saat ini setara dengan $340 juta.
Komentar: Kondisi di bursa saham AS berbeda dengan bursa saham Indonesia (BEI). Kapitalisasi pasar NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) adalah sekitar $28.5 triliun dengan jumlah perusahaan terdaftar sebanyak 2,773. Artinya, kapitalisasi pasar rata-rata perusahaan di NYSE adalah $10.3 miliar. BEI sendiri memiliki kapitalisasi pasar sebesar $233 miliar (dengan asumsi kurs USD/IDR 9200) dengan 405 perusahaan yang terdaftar. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kapitalisasi pasar rata-rata perusahaan di BEI adalah $576 juta. Dengan membandingkan kapitalisasi rata-rata perusahaan di BEI terhadap NYSE, maka revenue minimal untuk penyesuaian kriteria Graham untuk BEI adalah sebesar ($576 juta/$10.3 miliar) x $340 juta, atau sekitar $19 juta. Jika kita nyatakan dalam Rupiah, nilai tersebut setara dengan Rp 175 miliar. Dengan demikian kriteria kedua kita adalah:
≥ Rp 175 miliar 
< Rp 175 miliar 
3.    Current Ratio. Graham menyukai perusahaan dengan likuiditas yang tinggi sehingga risiko terkena permasalahan keuangan menjadi semakin kecil. Salah satu parameter yang bisa digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat likuiditas adalah current ratio (current assets / current liabilities). Maka kriteria ketiga adalah:
Current Ratio
Current Ratio ≥ 2
Current ratio  < 2 dan perusahaan adalah perusahaan utilitas atau telekomunikasi Pilih
Current ratio < 2 untuk perusahaan selain itu

4.   Utang Jangka Panjang tehadap Net Current Assets. Graham tidak menyukai perusahaan yang utangnya terlalu besar. Yang dimaksud dengan net current assets adalahcurrent asset dikurangi dengan current liabilities atau biasa disebut juga dengan working capital (modal kerja). Kita harus memastikan bahwa jika saat ini juga aset suatu perusahaan dilikuidasi, perusahaan tersebut mampu untuk membayar utang baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Dengan demikian kriteria kita selanjutnya:
Utang Jangka Panjang / Net Current Assets
Utang Jangka Panjang ≥ Net Current Assets
Utang Jangka Panjang < Net Current Assets  Buang
5.    Pertumbuhan EPS Jangka Panjang. Walaupun Graham adalah pelopor value investing namun growth tetap berperan penting dalam pemilihan sahamnya. Berbeda dengan growth investing, Graham menggunakan pertumbuhan EPS (Earning per Share) masa lalu untuk memperkirakan pertumbuhan EPS di masa datang. Dengan kata lain, Graham menggunakan pertumbuhan EPS sebagai indikator kestabilan keuangan suatu perusahaan. Graham menggunakan data selama 10 tahun ke belakang sebagai acuan. Untuk lebih memastikan, Graham membandingkan EPS rata-rata selama 3 tahun pada akhir dari periode 10 tahun tersebut dengan EPS rata-rata selama 3 tahun pada awal dari periode 10 tahun tersebut. Dengan demikian:
Pertumbuhan EPS Jangka Panjang (10 tahun ke belakang)
≥ 30% dan tidak ada EPS yang negatif selama 5 tahun terakhir
< 30%  Buang
≥ 30% dan ada EPS yang negatif selama 5 tahun terakhir  Buang

6.   P/E Ratio (Price to Earning Ratio). Rasio ini digunakan Graham untuk membandingkan harga wajar suatu saham terhadap harga yang diberikan oleh pasar. Graham menggunakan P/E ratio rata-rata selama 3 tahun terakhir. Oleh karena itu kriteria berikutnya adalah:
P/E Ratio
P/E ratio ≤ 15
P/E ratio > 15  Buang
7.   P/BV Ratio (Price to Book Ratio). Rasio lain yang digunakan untuk membandingkan harga wajar saham dengan harga di pasar adalah P/BV ratio. Graham berpendapat bahwa perkalian antara P/BV ratio dengan P/E ratio tidak boleh melebihi 22. Dengan demikian:
P/BV Ratio
P/BV x P/E ≤ 22
P/BV x P/E > 22
8.   Total D/E Ratio (Debt to Equity Ratio). Secara umum, total utang perusahaan baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang tidak boleh melebihi nilai ekuitasnya. Untuk perusahaan utilitas, telekomunikasi, dan jalan raya yang perlu diperhatikan adalah Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio saja karena adanya earning power. Maka:
Total D/E Ratio
D/E Ratio ≤ 100%
Perusahaan utilitas, telekomunikasi, atau jalan raya LTD/E ≤ 100%
D/E Ratio > 100%  Buang
Perusahaan utilitas, telekomunikasi, atau jalan raya LTD/E > 100%  Buang
9.    Konsistensi Pembayaran Dividen. Graham sangat menyukai perusahaan yang membayarkan dividen secara terus-menerus selama 20 tahun terakhir berapapun jumlahnya.
Komentar: Saat ini sudah sangat jarang perusahaan yang sangat konsisten membayarkan dividen. Perusahaan bisa saja tidak memberikan dividen namun mempergunakan labanya untuk keperluan ekpansi atau buyback sahamnya. Oleh karena itu saya pribadi tidak menjadikan kriteria ini sebagai suatu keharusan.
Kesembilan kriteria tersebut merupakan strategi Ben Graham untuk memilih suatu saham. Tentu saja untuk tahap selanjutnya kita juga harus mengetahui harga wajar dari suatu saham. Cara untuk mengetahuinya adalah dengan melakukan valuasi.

Pada bagian kedua dari tulisan ini akan dipaparkan bagaimana cara Graham untuk melakukan valuasi saham. Kita juga akan mencoba untuk melakukan studi kasus pada beberapa saham, baik screening maupun valuasinya.

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A Cheaper Way to Live and Get Ahead - Own a Recreation Vehicle (RV)

A Cheaper Way to Live and Get Ahead - Own a Recreation Vehicle (RV)
Get ahead and live easier.
You could go out and finance a home or land which benefits the banks. A way for you to benefit and not a bank is to buy an RV.
We're trained from the time we are children that a dream life is to get a good education, get a good job, get married, buy a home and we will then live happily ever after. Sometimes that is true, but more and more, it is not true.
Think about the cost of owning a home in this current economy. On a thirty year mortgage, you will pay roughly three times the actual amount in payments of the actual price paid for the purchase of the home. For example, on a one hundred thousand dollar home over thirty years, your expenses will be three hundred thousand, two hundred thousand more than the purchase price of the home. The banks love this kind of profit they receive. That is how the executives get rich. You struggle for up to thirty years to make the payments and hope you make it until your possible investment is paid off. If you have trouble and for some reason you cannot make the payments the banks love that, they will gladly take your home. After you have made payments for years on your mortgage, the banks can and will leave you homeless. You the borrower take all the risk and accept a life of struggle and stress. Then you ask yourself, in this current economy of lower wages and job uncertainty, will the home you purchased appreciate in value. Your home might appreciate in value some but it is safe to say it will not appreciate much in value or very little.
A better way is to purchase a reasonably priced Recreational Vehicle. You can buy an older one and put a small amount of money into it to make it travel worthy, or by a more expensive one, that is up to you. But if you shop you can by a decent recreational vehicle to live in for less than the cost of a moderately priced new car. Even if you were to finance one for three to five years, you would be living in it during that time, saving hundreds of dollars a month by not making the mortgage payments to the bank.
Now you ask, "Where do you park the RV?" Well there are many seasonal campgrounds where you pay a minimum cost to plug into electric and water and pay on a monthly basis. You can work out a deal with a person to park it on their land, at their home or business, and farm, for a small monthly fee and they benefit and so do you. Once every week or two depending on your usage you can drive your Recreation vehicle to a dumping station to dispose of its waste.
Now here is the real smart part. You take the savings that you have incurred, while living a much lower stress life, and tuck that money in a safe place. Within a few years you have the cash to buy a home outright with no mortgage. Then you can live in that home with no mortgage years ahead of the others, who took on that thirty year mortgage. At the end you own a Recreational Vehicle; you own your home outright and have money saved from all the years of saving. You will live with no mortgage when the majority of the population still does.

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What Is Money

What Is Money
Everyone uses money. While the creation and growth of money seems somewhat intangible, money is the way we get the things we need and want. Here we look at the multifaceted characteristics of money. (Get A Short-Term Advantage In The Money Market. What is Money? If we think about this relationship between money and gold, we can gain some insight into how money gains its value: like the beaver pelts and dried corn, gold is valuable purely because people want it.
Fiat money was introduced because gold is a scarce resource and economies growing quickly couldn't always mine enough gold to back their money requirement. Fiat money, then becomes the token of people's apprehension of worth - the basis for why money is created. M2 – With broader criteria, this category adds all the money found in M1 to all time-related deposits, savings deposits, and non-institutional money-market funds. This category represents money that can be readily transferred into cash.
M3 – The broadest class of money, M3 combines all money found in the M2 definition and adds to it all large time deposits, institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements, along with other largerliquid assets.
By adding these three categories together, we arrive at a country's money supply, or total amount of money within an economy.
How Money is Created 
Now that we've discussed why and how money, a representation of perceived value, is created in the economy, we need to touch on how the central bank (theFederal Reserve in the U.S.) can manipulate the money supply.

When the central bank buys these government securities, it puts money in the hands of the public. To shrink the money supply, the central bank does the opposite and sells government securities. The money with which the buyer pays the central bank is essentially taken out of circulation. So even though technically it can create money "out of thin air," the central bank cannot simply print money as it wants.


Analisa tehnikal dan fundamental

Analisa tehnikal dan fundamental
Apakah anda seorang trader atau investor, anda harus memiliki senjata yang dapat diandalkan untuk dapat bertahan dalam peperangan dan meraih profit di bursa saham.
Di artikel kali ini saya ingin membagikan tentang 2 macam analisa yang sering kita dengar, yaitu Analisa Teknikal dan Analisa Fundamental. Apa sih perbedaannya, untuk apa analisa tersebut, dan seberapa efektif keduanya dalam memperkirakan harga saham di masa depan ?
Analisa Fundamental
Analisa Fundamental merupakan suatu tools yang menggunakan data-data fundamental untuk menganalisa harga saham.
Para fundamentalist (sebutan untuk orang yg menggunakan analisa fundamental) menggunakan data yang terdapat pada laporan keuangan dari emiten, membedahnya dan melakukan analisa terhadap kondisi keuangan dari perusahaan tersebut. Biasanya analisa fundamental akan melihat dari beberapa aspek yang diukur dengan menggunakan rasio
Rasio Harga saham terhadap Equity atau Asset
Rasio Harga saham terhadap nilai buku perusahaan
Analisa Teknikal
Analisa teknikal memiliki pendekatan yang jauh berbeda dibanding dg analisa fundamental. Para technicalist (sebutan pada orang yang menggunakan analisa teknikal untuk menganalisa saham) menggunakan pendekatan historical pergerakan harga suatu saham untuk memprediksi harga saham tersebut mau kemana pada suatu timeframe tertentu.
Biasa para technicalist akan menyarankan untuk membeli saham di support dan menjualnya di resisten. Efektivitas dan Profitabilitas
Mana yang lebih efektif  atau lebih profitable  (menguntungkan) ? ini gambaran secara umum ya… hasilnya akan berbeda
Bila index / saham dalam trend turun, maka investasi akan jelas hasilnya berdarah-darah dan bonyok.
Sedangkan pada saat index / saham uptrend, maka investasi merupakan saat yang tepat. Return dari Trading akan relatif lebih kecil bila dibanding investor yang buy and hold untuk jangka panjang
