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Analisa saham PTBA dan menghitung harga wajarnya

Analisa saham PTBA dan menghitung harga wajarnya. pada tanggal 22 desember 2002 perseroan resmi tercatat sebagai perusahaan publik. Indonesia yang melimpah akan tambang batu bara. dan salah satu perusahaan tambang batu bara di indonesia adalah PT bukit asam Tbk (kode PTBA). Perusahaan ini sebenarnya sudah berdiri sejak jaman kolonial belanda pada tahun 1919.Dan setelah berakhirnya kekuasaan kolonial belanda di indonesia akhirnya perusahaan di ambil oleh negara. dan sekarang perusahaan sudah memiliki sepuluh anak usaha.

Analisa fundamental saham PTBA
Berikut rasio keuangan saham PTBA pada level harga 10425
Analisa saham PTBA dan menghitung harga wajarnya
Analisa saham PTBA dan menghitung harga wajarnya
Dari valuasi price earning ratio (rasio harga saham dari laba perlembar saham) saham PTBA dihargai dengan P/E yang cukup kecil. artinya investor harus membayar Rp 12 untuk setiap Rp.1 laba bersih yang dihasilkan.
Dari valuasi P/B sendiri saham PTBA memiliki P/B yang cukup tinggi yaitu sebesar  3.19. P/B rasio PTBA bisa dibilang cukup tinggi dibandingkan saham satu sektor yaitu ITMG yang memiliki P/B 2.73 KKGI yang memiliki P/B 1.76.
Namun dari segi ROE saham PTBA masih unggul diatas KKGI yaitu ROE saham PTBA  sebesar 23.23 sedangkan KKGI cuma sebsar 21.64, tetapi ROE saham PTBA masih dibawah ITMG yang sebesar 28.13.
Dari segi hutang saham PTBA memiliki rasio Debt/equity cukup kecil yaitu sebesar 1.41. dari segi Dividen payout sendiri saham PTBA memberikan dividen yang cukup besar kepada para pemegang saham.
Secara keseluruhan rasio keuangan PTBA cukup bagus. namun pergerakan harga saham sektor komoditas sepenuhnya tergantung dari harga komoditas yang diperjual-belikan yaitu coal.

Harga wajar saham PTBA

Dengan asumsi pertumbuhan 15%, asumsi inflasi 7%, risk factor 5% maka harga wajar saham PTBA adalah Rp.15616,-

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Cara cepat mendapatkan pacar cewek cantik

Cara cepat mendapatkan pacar cewek cantik
Apakah selama ini masih jomblo? belum punya pacar? apa kata dunia bro? hehehe bercanda. Zaman sekarang akan terasa hambar kalau hidup tidak punya kekasih yang menemani kita jalan-jalan, tidak ada yang menemani kita makan, tidak ada yang menemani kita nonton di bioskop. rasanya pasti sangat menderita sekali bagi yang tidak punya pacar. melihat cowok yang gandengan dengan cewek sedangkan kita hanya jalan sendirian, truk aja gandengan masa kita nggak???? hahahahahha. pasti berat dan serasa dunia hidup tidak ada gunanya. iya kan. tapi tenang saja disini saya sang pangerang cinta dari surabaya (playboy cinta hehehee) ingin berbagi tips cara cepat mendapatkan pacar cewek cantik. Jadi buat anda jangan putus asa dulu. terapkan cara-cara dibawah ini dengan baik.

Berani, bagi kamu yang masih malu-malu minta nomer hape atau minta kenalan hilangkan perasaan malu itu, anggap dirimu adalah cowok yang paling keren sekeren ariel peterpan. dan katakan dengan cool kalau kamu ingin minta hape si dia atau ingin kenalan dengan si dia. kalau baru pertama kali ditolak coba deh seribu kali. kali sampai seribu kali anda masih belum bisa mendapatkan nomer cewek tersebut jadi ikhlaskan si dia mungkin memang nggak jodoh, banting stir sama cewek yang lain...hehehhe...

Ubah penampilan anda seperti boyband korea, ingat jaman sekarang cewek-cewek mengidolakan cowok-cowok model korea, kalau anda merasa tampang anda  tidak mirip cowok korea anda bisa operasi plastik (disclaimer on) heheheheh

Sering jalan-jalan ketempat yang biasa didatangi cewek-cewek nongkrong, kalau kamu ketemu cewek tipikal kamu langsung sikat bos. ajak kenalan jangan sampai menyerah. yang penting kenal dulu. masalah nantinya itu urusan yang diatas. kalau sudah kenal jangan lupa tiap hari berdoa semoga dijodohkan dengan si dia. jangan ke dukun ya bro...

Bawa mobil ferari. kalau anda tidak punya mobil yah harus punya mobil bro. cewek jaman sekarang gampang-gampang susah bro. nggak punya modal jangan harap punya cewek cantik. anda punya mobil ferari pasti lebih cepat dapat cewek cantik. karena itu adalah hukum alam.

Apakah tuhan itu ada

Apakah tuhan itu ada
Apakah anda pernah melihat tuhan? bagaimana anda bisa merasakan keberadaannya? Apakah anda pernah melihat, mendengar dan merasakan keberadaan tuhan?apakah tuhan itu benar-benar ada?
Saya yakin banyak orang yang pernah menanyakan hal sama. Banyak yang mencari siapa tuhan mereka yang sebenarnya. Dibumi ini sendiri sejak ada manusia banyak sekali tuhan yang pernah dibuat manusia. Dan saya yakin dari semua tuhan yang pernah dibicarakan manusia hanya ada satu tuhan yang benar-benar sang maha pencipta. Apakah anda tidak ingin mencari kebenaran yang sesungguhnya, Hidup cuma sekali apakah anda nanti tidak menyesal apabila anda salah memilih tuhan dan menganggap tuhan yang sebenarnya adalah salah. dari semua tuhan yang pernah dibuat manusia hanya ada satu tuhan yang benar-benar yang maha kuasa dan maha pencipta.

Bukankah hidup ini akan sangat sia-sia apabila kita hanya mengikuti dogma orang tua, hanya ikut-ikutan dan tidak pernah mencari kebenaran yang hakiki.sebelum anda mencari tuhan tanyakan kepada diri sendiri apakah tuhan itu ada? 

Berpikirlah jangka panjang dalam berinvestasi

Berpikirlah jangka panjang dalam berinvestasi
 "Sebuah pohon butuh waktu lama untuk tumbuh tinggi dan hanya pohon yang memiliki akar dan batang yang kuat yang akan bertahan dari badai, jadi saat anda ingin menanam pohon pilihlah pohon yang memiliki akar dan batang yang kuat agar tidak pernah tumbang saat ada badai. dan pohon tersebut akan terus tumbuh dan tumbuh".


Why values are important

Why values are important
As we will soon share the most recent Global People Survey, it is a good moment to take stock of how we are doing – not only in terms of business performance – but also in living up to the values and behaviours that will help to shape the company over the long term.

Values are important to an organisation at any stage, but particularly at times of great change and uncertainty as they help guide and build the trust and consistency needed. No-one can doubt that the world remains in the grip of many forces. The VUCA world we have frequently spoken about – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – just seems to intensify.   

Opening my newspaper today emphasises the point. There are stories on the growing environmental threat posed by the pollution that is smothering many of China’s smog-filled cities; on the weakening economic momentum of the world’s largest economy, the US; or on the continuing uncertainty in Brazil and wider region as a result of the country’s ongoing currency volatility.

All this in one day’s newspaper! No wonder people feel anxious. Increasingly, they look to business to play its part in addressing these challenges. Yet when my same morning paper leads with a story that the fines now imposed on JP Morgan for the misselling of mortgage-backed securities have reached $20 billion, it is hardly surprising that people become cynical and see business as part of the problem, not part of the solution. Even very old and established firms can very soon find that their reputations are built on quicksand.

For our part, we just need to keep focused on delivering consistent results while continuing to do the right thing for the long term. Our commitment under the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan to combine economic grow with a positive social and environmental impact is certainly helping to set us apart – a and reinforcing Unilever’s reputation as a business built to last.  

To remain on the right side of the argument we need to go on strengthening the values and the long-term pillars which underpin the company. I certainly feel good about our prospects, particularly after the last few weeks as I witnessed some great examples of our commitment to the long term and to the values we have called out – Integrity, Responsibility, Respect and Pioneering – being lived out in several different parts of the business.

First, Kenya, a market where Unilever goes back 90 years. Today it is a vibrant business employing 15,000 people and supporting the livelihoods of thousands more. I was there shortly after the appalling terrorist attack on the Westgate Shopping Centre in Nairobi, which left the country in a state of shock. The courageous and dignified response to the outrage was epitomised in the behaviour of one of our own people, John Kibira, a CD manager, who – like a number of other employees – found himself in the centre at the time of the attack. It was three hours before John was freed. In an emotional meeting with him, I learned what it means to face adversity and to retain a strong sense of responsibility, not only for yourself but for your fellow citizen. A true unsung hero. Thank you, John.

The visit was also the occasion to announce the acceleration of some significant investments – both in our manufacturing and tea operations – which will help to grow our business in Kenya over the long term. Like other parts of Africa, the potential here is huge. Realising our ambition will rely on the kind of pioneering spirit that first took William Lever to Africa back in the early part of the last century.  

Like everywhere else, we want to grow our business in Kenya in a responsible way. A great example is the Lifebuoy handwashing campaign, which has already helped to change the habits of 2.3 million people in Kenya, many of them children susceptible to diarrhoea and other life-threatening diseases. During my visit we took the ‘Help a Child Reach 5’ campaign to the Kilimani Primary school in Nairobi, where President Kenyatta’s wife, Margaret, joined us in helping to highlight the life-saving benefits that can result from simple changes in hygiene behaviour. This is the USLP in action. This is our commitment to responsibility brought to life.

From Nairobi to Johannesburg and the annual summit of One Young World, a body harnessing the enthusiasm and ideas of some of the world’s most talented young people. As I like to say, young people may only constitute 30% of the population but they represent 100% of the future. The new forms of leadership that bodies like One Young World are promoting are desperately needed. Unless we invest in young talent and inspire them with the prospect of a better world, then the future looks bleak. That’s why I am proud that 65 of this year’s One Young World ambassadors were from Unilever, young men and women involved in initiatives to create a better world. A significant commitment by the company, but what better way to help guarantee the long-term future of the business than investing in its future leaders.

From Africa to Europe, and first to France and to the annual meeting of the Women’s Global Forum. Once again the theme is leadership in a changing world, this time with a focus on what Hillary Clinton rightly described as “the world’s most under-utilised resource” – women. More than 1,400 women attended the meeting in Deauville, giving me an opportunity to explain why a more gender-balanced organisation is not only key to our long-term business success but also why women play a critical role in the delivery of our wider ambitions under the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan. The fact is women possess many of the qualities needed to bring about change (empathy, long-term thinking, collaborative working) and are also engaged at every stage of the value chain. We see this particularly in an area like food security, where women are the vital link in the chain – planting the seeds, caring for livestock, harvesting crops, preparing food – yet there is a persistent failure to invest in female smallholder farmers. Just giving women the same opportunities as men would result in a 30% increase in crop yields and a reduction of up to 150 million in the number of people who go to bed hungry.

We still have much to do in the area of gender balance, but we should feel good about the integrity of our model and that we have put the company on the right track, not least in our recognition that women play a critical role in delivering the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan.

From France to the Netherlands and Germany to take part in two events, both combining a focus on the long-term opportunities for the business with a celebration of its remarkable past.

First, Rotterdam and the opening of the new Weena head office. An opportunity to recognise the company’s wonderful Dutch heritage, while celebrating a new start for our European business, under Jan’s leadership.   By co-locating our brand and regional teams in the Weena hub we are pioneering a new approach in Europe, one I believe can bring a real competitive advantage. The excitement at what is possible is palpable and the focus on brands is an inspiring example to us all. It’s not easy in Europe at the moment, but I left feeling good that we are now truly creating the winning organisation we need.

The benefits of co-location were also evident during my next visit, to Heilbronn in Germany, where brand, R&D, Food Solutions and manufacturing teams all work together.  I am here to join the celebrations marking the 175th anniversary of Knorr.  

Carl Heinrich Knorr was a pioneer and an enlightened entrepreneur in the finest Unilever tradition. He founded the business in 1838 at the time of the industrial revolution. He opened his factory in Heilbronn and built a business providing good, tasty food to a growing urban population. Today, Knorr is a €4.5 billion business and Unilever’s biggest brand, operating on every continent and in 87 countries. Remarkably, 18 billion times a year someone somewhere reaches for a Knorr cube to flavour their meal.

Responsible growth is at the heart of the Knorr offering. The brand has an ambition to source all of its vegetables, meat, herbs and spices sustainably by 2020, and is well on its way. In keeping with the spirit of the USLP, this will only be achieved by working in partnership with suppliers and others and the 175th celebrations include a visit to one of the Knorr Landmark Farms, where much of this work is being led. Another great example of responsibility in action.

An energising two weeks and a reassuring reminder that Unilever values and our commitment to the long term remain important threads running through all parts of this great company of ours

IHSG menuju 4800

IHSG hari ini close difibonacci 78.6% dan sudah jauh dari moving average 20 yang mengawal IHSG sejak awal tahun 2014.  Apakah trend bullish IHSG sudah berubah menjadi bearish?
sepertinya market sendiri  terkena dampak pelemahan rupiah. market juga menunggu hasil pilpres nanti. Besok kemungkinan IHSG akan menguji support fibo 100% di 4800. risk>reward

IHSG menuju 4800

apa itu situs social media globallshare

Apakah situs globallshare penipuan? apakah benar-benar bagus? beberapa hari yang lalu saya dikirimi pesan di FB oleh salah satu teman diajak bergabung untuk daftar disitus social media globallshare, yah dalam benak ku sih paling juga situs globallshare scam atau spam. karena tidak enak sama temanku saya akhirnya dengan sangat terpaksa mendaftar di situs jejaring social globallshare. kemudian setelah itu tidak pernah login lagi.  Beberapa hari yang lalu teman saya menanyakan apakah masih menggunakan globallshare atau tidak? dia bilang dapat saham banyak dari globallshare walaupun masih belum dijual karena masih dalam tahap pre organisasi gitu.. jadwalnya seperti dibawah ini

kemudian saya cek lagi kualitas situsnya, situs globallshare ternyata memiliki alexarank yang cukup bagus yaitu saat saya cek hari ini memiliki alexa rank sekitar 2400 an. kalau situs abal-abal masa bisa mendapatkan alexa rank segitu ramping. kemudian jumlah pemakainya pun juga lumayan banyak sich. situsnya bisa dibilang mirip facebook namun ada banyak kelebihannya yang tidak dipunyai facebook yaitu seperti dibawah ini 

yah bisa dibilang situsnya cukup bagus juga dan mungkin itu cara terbaik untuk bisa mengalahkan situs socialmedia sekelas facebook, karena kita tahu sendiri situs sekelas google+ aja masih belum bisa menandingi situs social media terbaik facebook. mungkin kedepannya situs social media GAS ini bisa menandingi situs sekelas facebook kalau diberikan iming-iming mendapat saham secara gratis jika menggunakan situs social media gas ini. 

Cara mendapatkan saham dari globallshare sendiri cukup gampang yaitu dengan cara dibawah ini:
  1. daftar disini globallshare
  2. setelah itu aktifkan akun DUNIA-GAS pada menu bagian kiri
  3. Setelah itu masuk pada menu kantor untuk melihat portofolio anda/untuk melihat jumlah saham yang anda miliki sekarang
  4. setiap anda login anda sudah akan mendapatkan satu saham gratis dari globallshare.
  5. saham anda bisa anda perdagangkan secara resmi atau anda simpan supaya mendapat dividen setiap bulan setelah tanggal 29.09.2014.
Saya sih iseng-iseng saja barang kali benar-benar menguntungkan seperti bitcoin, kan juga gratis nggak ada ruginya. anda juga bisa menggunakan situsnya seperti halnya facebook. kalau anda berminat menggunakan atau mendaftar secara gratis situs sociallmedia globallshare silahkan signup pada link dibawah ini

Fit for the future: an energising visit to China and SEA

Fit for the future: an energising visit to China and SEA
Although it was a few weeks ago now, I still feel very much energised about my recent visit to the China and South East Asia (SEA) region, home to nearly 2 billion of the world’s citizens and currently accounting for around 15% of Unilever's global business. The potential is enormous and we are planning to add about €10 billion incremental turnover by 2020. To put it in perspective, that's 25% of our current global business.
China, with 1.4 billion people, is the second largest global economy and we just passed the magic €2 billion turnover mark on our way to becoming a €5 billion business. It has all the potential to be our biggest market one day. During my visit we were pleased to conclude the purchase of a majority stake in Qinyuan, the leading water purifying business. With over 70% of water use in the home related to our products, it is vital that we play in this segment. This acquisition doubles our water business and I envision this to be the next new €1 billion business for the company. With Pureit now in 13 countries, we have made a good start. We welcome the founder Mr Ye and his great team to the Unilever family.

While there we also reviewed the company’s digital strategy, another area where China is starting to leapfrog the rest of the world, with many people quickly embracing the online lifestyle. ‘Wechat’ from Tencent, Weibo and YHD in e-commerce are amongst the leaders in their field, setting new standards. E-commerce is already a significant part of the company’s sales and Dorcas and her team in China are leading the efforts, which I am sure will benefit us globally over time.

SEA is an equally exciting region and one of the fastest growing in the company, despite already being clear leaders in 75% of our core businesses. They have set an objective to double the business by 2020 and with the current momentum and new opportunities like Myanmar and Indonesia’s outer islands, this is certainly within reach.

There’s too much to include everything in one blog, but let me just share three big observations from my visit.

1. It's all about talent and people make the difference
Both Malaysia and Australia have turned around their businesses after several years of decline due to strong leadership from respectively Rakesh, Clive and their respective teams.
Everywhere I go it is clear that our people are making the difference and with preferred employer status in most countries across the region it is key that we maintain our passion for people development. I was fortunate during the visit to participate in two excellent programmes at Four Acres East, our new state of the art training facility in Singapore:
The Future Leaders League, made up of students from all over the world, was a great success. The energy and the buzz stayed throughout the event, which achieved advocacy scores of 96% among the students. All of them said they were excited about a career in FMCG and were inspired by Unilever in particular. We gained an additional 300,000 fans. Such a programme is unmatched at the moment in scale and reputation and we intend to build it into a real differentiator.
The UL2020 programme, which was run concurrently. Here our most senior leaders are working to crack some of the biggest business challenges. It is focussed on developing the leadership skills we need for 2020 and beyond in what is an increasingly VUCA world. Adaptability, resilience, systemic thinking, authenticity and results orientation are some of the areas highlighted. Again, exciting feedback. It follows on from the Unilever Leadership Development Programme (ULDP) and again sets the standards for the industry.
Last but not least, I was also fortunate enough to take part in the events planned to mark International Women’s Day. We are blessed with some amazing role models and the panel discussions made quite an impact. While the region has good representation we must to continue to focus on mid-career attrition and increase the presence of women in senior management.

2. The only limit to growth is our mindset

Although we have high shares across the region, we continue to grow well ahead of the respective country growth rates. 
Indonesia, under Maurits' leadership, has more than doubled its business over the past 5 years with a principle always to grow at double the GDP rate. The main growth driver is market development, which is a real competitive advantage, as well as the many white space opportunities that are still available. Execution and focus are equally important. 
The Thai focus on 5 priority channels and 6 key priorities is a great example. So is Unilever International, a near €500 million business, capably lead by Umesh Shah.  With less than 2% indirects, the unit has shown a cumulative growth rate of nearly 20% over the past three years by unlocking opportunities around ethnic and heritage brands, travel retail and niche channels, uncovered geographies and special markets. An excellent example of a growth mindset. It requires ruthless discipline and, first and foremost, a focus on the core.
Rakesh and his team in Malaysia have turned around the business by cutting 60% - yes, 60% - of SKUs and drastically optimising promotions and processes. Profits have seen the biggest step-change ever as well. 
Clive in Australia has equally reignited growth by focusing on operational excellence, making the harder right rather than easier wrong choices by drastically restructuring our operations to become cost competitive again and investing the savings back into the business for growth. The work that Jiah Falke and team have done at the Minto factory is especially impressive and, by the way, customer service is at 98%. No compromise and, yes, execution is strategy.
Finally, the work Zaw and team are doing in Myanmar to establish our business is truly amazing. With nearly 60 million people the potential is enormous and could be as successful as our business in Vietnam. Opening our second factory in the country was an especial honour and it makes me proud to see the energy, enthusiasm and dedication of all the Unilever people there. They are writing history.

3) Our business model is a winning model and more needed than ever

This was driven home to me especially during my visit to the Philippines. Hurricane Haiyan's destructive path was still visible everywhere. Over 6,000 innocent people lost their lives in a storm so strong that and a new Category 6 storm had to be created. Unsurprisingly our people, under Rohit's leadership, were among the first ones to help. In fact, Unilever employees raised over €100.000 in the aftermath. Not surprisingly, President Beningo Aquino was very appreciative of Unilever's efforts during our visit and would like to see us with an even bigger presence in his country. He considers Unilever a Filipino company, which was the biggest complement he could pay. During an energising lunch with our key strategic Unilever Foundation partners, I again heard the power of our feeding and handwashing programmes to improve people's lives.
The same was clear in Myanmar where my visit coincided with World Oral Health day. Working closely with the Ministry of Health as exclusive partners, we agreed to reach all 8 million children to improve their oral health. President Thein Sein suggested during our visit to extend this to nutritional and handwashing programmes in all schools. What better way to build our brands and improve the health and well-being of so many. Aung San Suu Kyi, the Burmese opposition leader, was equally complementary about the work we had started with smallholder farmers in her district to produce palm sugar for our soy brand Banga in Indonesia.
We also see our team in China increasingly delivering against our Unilever Sustainable Living Plan objectives and this will be further enhanced I believe with the acquisition of Qinyuan. Mr Ye’s combination of entrepreneurial drive and passion to make a difference fits perfectly with our USLP vision to bring safe drinking water to China and the world.
All these efforts not only enhance the image of Unilever in the region but more importantly directly drive our overall business results. Embracing the USLP fully is paying off.
But I cannot help but be even more convinced about what we are doing when visiting our consumers in their homes. I was particularly touched in the Philippines when visiting a lower LSM household. The daughter’s main goal was to give her parents a few days off from their street vending business for the first time in their lives. "It's with products like yours that I feel confident to work in a call centre and return money to my family,” she told me. Thank you is all I could hear when we were still leaving.

Thanks to all of you. 

Nasihat bijak keuangan keluarga

Nasihat bijak keuangan keluarga
Dibawah ini beberapa nasihat keuangan yang wajib anda ketahui yang akan menuntun anda mencapai kesuksesan dimasa depan.Uang bukanlah hal yang jahat. salah satu kegagalan terbesar pendidikan adalah kegagalan pendidikan keuangan kepada semua murid. para pendidik menganggap uang adalah bersifat religius. banyak orang yang meyakini bahwa uang adalah akar dari segala kejahatan. faktanya adalah bukan cinta pada uang yang jahat tapi kurang uanglah yang menjadikan seseorang menjadi jahat. bekerja keras tanpa imbalan yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga itu jahat. Bagi sejumlah orang. Bertengkar dengan orang yang anda cintai karena uang itu adalah jahat. Melakukan tindakan kriminal atau tidak bermoral karena uang itu jahat.

Nasihat keuangan usang

Saat ini banyak ahli keuangan yang merekomendasikan "bekerja keras, menabung, keluar dari hutang ,berhemat, dan berinvestasi dalam portofolio reksadan yang didivesifikasikan". masalahnya nasihat itu jelek.karena nasihat itu sudah usang. Aturan uang sudah berubahpada tahun 1971. Dan saat ini berlaku kapitalisme baru. nasihat diatas akan berhasil di era kapitalisme lama namun tidak untuk era sekarang.

Nasihat keuangan diera kapitalisme baru

  • Banyak orang merasa yakin untuk menghasilkan uang, anda perlu menggunakan uang. Hal itu tidak benar. Ingatlah selalu bahwa kalau anda bisa kehilangan uang yang di investasikan dalam bentuk emas, anda bisa kehilangan uang dalam apapun.pada akhirnya bukanlah uang,emas,saham,properti,kerja keras dan uang yang membuat anda kaya. pada akhirnya kecerdasan keuangan anda atau IQ keuangan anda yang membuat anda kaya. teruslah membaca dan jadilah makin kaya dengan menjadi orang yang makin cerdas keuangan.
  • Pada tahun 1971 dan 1974 aturan uang telah berubah. perubahan ini telah menimbulkan masalah keuangan besar diseluruh dunia. Diperlukan kecerdasan keuangan yang lebih besar untuk memecahkannya. Sayangnya pemerintah dan sekolah tidak menanggapi perubahan dan masalah itu. Saat ini masalah keuanganpun menjadi luar biasa besar. Dalam masa penghidupannya saja amerika serikat beranjak dari negara terkaya didunia menjadi negara penghutang terbesar di dunia. banyak orang berharap pemerintah akan memecahkan masalah keuangan mereka, saya sendiri tidak tahu bagaimana pemerintah memecahkan masalah tersebut.seandainya anda bisa memecahkan masalah keuangan anda sendiri tanpa harus bergantung pada pemerintah anda akan makin cerdas dan kaya raya. nasihatnya adalah entah kaya atau miskin semua orang punya masalah uang, satu-satunya cara untuk menjadi kaya dan meningkatkan kecerdasan keuangan adalah dengan secara aktif memecahkan masalah keuangan anda.

Pengalaman buruk menggunakan BPJS kesehatan di kota madiun

Pengalaman buruk menggunakan BPJS kesehatan di kota madiun
Yah mungkin saya agak kecewa dengan pelayanan BPJS kesehatan di kota madiun. Waktu itu saya mendaftar BPJS kesehatan untuk kakak saya dengan  pelayanan kelas 1 yaitu premi sebesar Rp.59500,- waktu itu kakak saya hamil dan mau melahirkan. karena kakak saya sudah punya kartu BPJS kesehatan kakak saya merasa sudah tenang tapi setelah dipelajari lagi masyarakat yang menggunakan kartu BPJS harus mendapat surat rujukan dulu dari puskesmas baru bisa dapat pelayanan kesehatan dirumah sakit. karena waktu itu kakak saya mau melahirkan pada malam hari jadi tidak bisa membawa ke puskesmas karena setahu saya di kota madiun puskesmas malam hari tutup. akhirnya sama keluarga  dibawa ke bidan terdekat rumah dengan biaya sendiri. kemudian setelah itu kami mencoba-coba klaim biaya bersalin ke kantor BPJS kesehatan madiun. Tapi dari pihak BPJS kesehatan dikota madiun yang diwakili pak bambang waktu itu katanya kalau mau klaim harus ke dokter rayon atau apalah yang berada dikota tersebut.

kemudian keluarga kami disuruh melengkapi persyaratan seperti Fotocopy surat keterangan kelahiran, foto copy kartu kartu BPJS, FC partograf,dan kwitansi bermaterai. setelah itu keluarga kami sudah melengkapi persyaratan yang diminta kemudian datang ke dokter rayon namanya Dokter nanik dikota magetan yang ditunjuk.  akhirnya hasilnya kita sama dokter rayon harus disuruh melengkapi KK dan akta anak. dalam batin saya apakah dokter rayon ini bodoh atau goblok? Padahal yang sakit melahirkan kan ibunya ngapain harus pakai akta anak juga. karena bertele-tele dan ribet akhirnya waktu saya melewati kantor BPJS madiun saya komplain ke pihak BPJS kesehatan madiun yang diwakili mbak Novi kalau saya mengalami kejadian seperti diatas. sama pihak BPJS disuruh memberikan persyaratannya katanya akan dibantu proses pengurusannya. dan akan ditelpon kalau berkas sudah diproses. tapi hampir satu bulan lebih kami tidak mendapat telpon dari pihak BPJS kesehatan apakah klaim kami akan dibayar atau tidak.

Cara menjadi investor properti yang sukses

Cara menjadi investor properti yang sukses
Ada tiga komponen utama untuk menjadi investor properti yang sukses, yaitu
1.Partner yang baik. seperti yang dikatakan donald trum."anda tidak bisa melakukan kesepakatan baik dengan partner yang buruk" bukan berarti partner buruk adalah orang buruk. mereka mungkin semata partner yang buruk dan salah bagi anda. yang terpenting adalah anda dengan partner anda mampu menyelesaikan setiap masalah  dan dalam proses pemecahan masalah tersebut lah anda bisa menjadi partner yang makin cerdas dan baik.
2.Pembiayaan yang baik. hal utama dari properti adalah pembiayaannya. banyak orang berkata, lokasi,lokasi,lokasi. kata saya adalah pembiayaan,pembiayaan  dan pembiayaan. kalau anda bisa menjamin pembiayaan yang baik, kesepakatan akan berhasil. kalau anda memiliki pembiayaan yang buruk maka kesepakatan tidak akan pernah berhasil.
3. pengelolaan yang baik.
4.seorang investor properti harus mampu membedakan mana hutang baik dan mana hutang buruk.
5. seorang investor properti harus bisa menggunakan leverage dengan baik.